Adviser Opportunities
Oregon FCCLA Advisers, don’t miss out on these opportunities to connect with and talk to other FCCLA Advisers and the State Director!
Oregon CTSO Adviser Conference will be held on September 22, 2023, in Salem. Monthly Adviser Huddles begin Tuesday, October 5 and will continue on the first Tuesday of every month from 3:30-4:15pm.
Virtual Chapter Leadership Trainings
Members, join your state officers in the fall for virtual leadership trainings to help prepare for the year ahead! Open to all local chapter members, including chapter officers and members.
Fall Leadership Experience
Oregon FCCLA, mark your calendars and start making plans today to attend the highlight event of the fall, the Oregon CTSO Fall Leadership Experience! This conference will be another great opportunity for you to join with your fellow FCCLA members from around the state of Oregon to improve your leadership skills, network, participate in hands on learning activities, sharpen your competitive knowledge, and have fun!
Capitol Leadership
Capitol Leadership
Capitol Leadership allows youth from across the country to join together in our nation’s capitol to participate in various trainings which are designed to enhance their leadership skills, give them the opportunity to meet with elected government officials, and develop necessary advocacy skills that will help them be stronger leaders on both the state and local levels.
National Fall Conference
Each Fall, FCCLA members have the opportunity to explore new leadership skills, make new friends, grow as an organization, and have some fun!
State Leadership Conference
Mark your calendars for the greatest Oregon FCCLA event of the year: The State Leadership Conference! Compete in STAR Events, elect your new State Officer Team, participate in on-site outreach projects, and much more.
National Leadership Conference
This summer, FCCLA members from across the country will gather to network with fellow members, attend FCCLA program workshops and leadership sessions, and take part in Competitive Events. Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to Believe in Yourself with your FCCLA family.