The Oregon Leadership Institute (OLI) was held on November 2-3 2014 in Bend, Oregon. This two day conference allowed FCCLA, FBLA, Skills USA, HOSA and DECA members from across the state of Oregon to network, attend workshops and learn more about their Career and Technical Student Organizations.

FCCLA members had the opportunity to come together twice to receive different updates and information on projects relating to Oregon FCCLA.  “Rounding the Bases with FCCLA” workshop covered information such as FCCLA at the Table, Mission Addition, and information about FCCLA’s national programs and Share Our Strength.

The State Officer Team encourages everyone to take the pledge to prepare a meal for your family with FCCLA at the Table. To find more information about FCCLA at the Table you can visit

Mission Addition is this year’s new membership campaign to encourage chapters to increase our membership to over 220 members. There are three levels to this year’s campaign. The first level is to increase your chapter’s membership by one new member. All chapters that reach this goal will be recognized at SLC. To complete level two, chapters are challenged to increase chapter membership by 12 new members. If a chapter completes level two, they will be recognized at SLC and receive a complimentary SLC registration.  The top-level award will be given to the chapter with the largest percentage of increase. The chapter that has the largest percentage of increase will receive a popsicle party and reserved seating.

The final area that the State Officer Team covered was national programs and Share Our Strength. During this portion of the workshop, members learned that Oregon FCCLA is focusing on the Student Body national program. To continue on last year’s efforts, members will raise money for FCCLA’s National Outreach Project, Share Our Strength. State President, Raymond Seal, challenged each chapter to raise at least $1 per chapter member.

During the rest of the conference members attending various workshops, took part in an interactive opening session, etiquette dinner and heard from our closing keynote speaker, Kent Butler. FCCLA members also had the opportunity to compete in Creed Speaking and Impromptu Speaking. Every participant in the two events did an outstanding job representing Oregon FCCLA and are to be commended for their participation.

We hope everyone that attended OLI had a great experience and were able to find ways to grow as a leader and become more involved in FCCLA. We can’t wait until the State Leadership Conference, which, will be held April 15th through 18th in Portland.